  • Welcome to Beit Chabad South Beach
  • Shabbat DinnerJoin us for a wonderful experience as we celebrate Shabbat through a program that will give you insight into the traditions and customs that have enriched our lives for thousands of years. Shabbat Dinner Reservation
Beit Chabad South Beach is led by Rabbi Chagai and Dassie Meffi and serves as a warm home and spotlight of holiness for every Jew .
Beit Chabad South Beach is part of the extensive activity of bringing the light of the Torah and Chasidism wherever there are Jews out of love for Israel.. The Lubavitcher Rebbe sends his emissaries around the world - to open new paths for the hearts of Jews.
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Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Oct. 2 - Oct. 4
Daily Thought
In the month of Elul, the month before Rosh Hashanah, a signal goes out to every Jewish soul that it is time to return to the palace that is home. It is a signal both subtle and loud. Subtle, because it does not awaken even those who are closest—every soul must awaken itself. Loud, because it reaches those who have been thrown to the edge of the universe. Loud, because it is a signal of love and joy. Subtle, because it is an intimately personal call. Loud, because it provides immeasurable powers to break out of whatever holds you back, lift you above all obstacles, and carry you all the way home....